


Herzing student shares how she plans to l和 the career of her dreams with her bachelor's degree in 人力资源 (HR).

从我记事起, 人力资源管理 是我梦想的职业. I felt that my passion for helping others would make me a good advocate for employees in the workplace. I enrolled at Herzing大学 in the summer of 2015 和 began working towards my 学士学位 in 企业管理 人力资源幸运28计划.

我的第一个任期有点坎坷, but it wasn’t long before I caught on 和 started to excel in my classes. 回到学校 as a single mother of three working full-time was not an easy task, but I made it work.

It’s hard to believe that I’m just about finished with my 学士学位, 和 I couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds.

Here are my tips for going after the career of your dreams:

1. 优先考虑你的教育 

When I first started at Herzing, I thought I was organized. 我以为我掌握了 时间管理, but it’s easier said than done when you are balancing work, kids 和 school. 我的第一任期是对现实的一次检验. I realized that skimming through directions is not the same as paying attention to detail. 我花了一段时间来调整我的习惯, but getting a below aver年龄 grade on an assignment when you were expecting an A really puts things into perspective.

我给别人的建议, 尤其是如果你已经离开学校一段时间了, 首先是提前计划吗. Try to get through the required lessons 和 readings before the due date because life will happen. Kids will get sick; you will get worn down. By 计划每周开始 尽可能早, you will be better prepared for when the unexpected happens, 你仍然可以优先考虑你的教育.

2. 在你需要帮助的时候寻求帮助

预计事情会变得有点忙乱. When you feel overwhelmed or discour年龄d, lean on those who 最支持你,他们理解并尊重你的所作所为. They are the ones who will help reduce your stress instead of adding stress. 你也会在意想不到的地方找到支持. Know that people are rooting for you to stay strong, 和 don't give up.

3. 保持开放的心态

我一直都知道我想在 人力资源, but I wasn’t sure which area of 人力资源 would align best with my skills, 知识与激情. When I learned about industrial psychology in one of my cultural diversity classes, 就像我脑子里的一个灯泡突然亮了. I knew instantly that industrial psychology was what I wanted to do. That course is the reason I am now pursuing my Master’s in Industrial-Organizational 心理学. Had I not kept an open mind, I would never have discovered the true career of my dreams.

It’s difficult for me to know that I’m coming up on my final chapter with Herzing, 但我很期待未来. Enrolling at Herzing is one of the best decisions I’ve made. Flexible course schedules made it possible for me to earn my degree on time 和 my 教授 在我需要的时候总是愿意帮助我. I’ll never forget the kindness I received from all of the students 和 staff here.

I’m now on a path toward a career that I am incredibly passionate about, 我有了继续前进的勇气. 我很期待看到下一个篇章!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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